Updates to Policies & Procedures

A bride and groom kisses on a patio decorated with strings of lights. | Rivets & Roses | Affordable Minneapolis wedding photography

To say a lot has changed this year would be an understatement. Few of us would have expected to be living in a global pandemic, but as stay-at-home restrictions begin to loosen, we want to make sure we’re keeping your wedding guests and vendors and our team as safe as possible on your big day.

In order to keep us all safe, we’ve updated our policies and procedures. Here’s what you can expect from us, and we’ll be sure to keep you updated if additional changes are made.

Rivets & Roses Policy & Procedure Updates:

  1. All of our consultations and planning meetings will be held virtually. As much as we love to meet you in person, it’s safest for all parties to keep these meetings virtual. Don’t worry, even with a virtual meeting you’ll still have the opportunity to find out if our personalities mesh well together!

  2. Rivets & Roses photographers will keep a social distance of six feet at all times. [underlined section will link to “how to properly social distance at your wedding” post]  We ask our couples and their guests to do the same. This is a good item to address with your wedding guests ahead of time. For younger, more tech-savvy, guests you could include this on your wedding website. For older guests you could touch base via phone before the day of your event.

  3. Shift and stagger smaller photo groups as necessary during certain parts of the day. For example, schedule specific times for getting ready room photos, family photos and wedding party photos.

  4. Planned portrait sessions will be in a place that allows everyone to be safely spaced apart. When possible, outdoor sessions are safest for everyone involved.

  5. Rivets & Roses photographers will comply with health screenings, infrared temperature scans, practice hand washing throughout the day, and wear a protective face mask.

  6. Along with our gear bags, photographers will have their own personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep us all safe. This includes a personal mask, disinfectant to keep photo equipment clean throughout the day, hand sanitizer, nitrile gloves, and surface sanitizer spray to create a safe and sterile space to store our equipment.

  7. Our clients as well as our photographers will be asked to sign an Assumption of Risk and Release Agreement prior to the wedding day.

  8. We are asking clients to work with their event planner and venue to make sure the event space is a safe and healthy environment for vendors and wedding guests alike. Sani-Set is a new vendor that will come in and clean before, during and after your event. It’s a great additional layer of protection to help keep everyone safe.

As circumstances change, these policies and procedures will continue to change. To ensure a safe and happy work environment for all of us, we ask that our clients and their event planners adhere to the current state of Minnesota and the CDC guidelines.

We know that imagining your wedding day in the midst of a pandemic can feel overwhelming, but it won’t be any less magical than you’ve dreamed! Remember that your day is about you and your partner and nothing can take away from your love story.

Wondering how to plan a wedding during a global pandemic? We’ve got some ideas!