Prince Edward Island to be exact! The adorable little Island in Canada where Anne of Green Gabels comes from. : ) I can't tell you how fabulous it is to see two people SO IN LOVE and two people who make each other the best person they can be. Rachel and Matt are these people. I was correct in expecting a lot of tears at this wedding...tears of JOY of course...but yes, they did last about all day. (That's 'about' with a Canadian accent.) Their love overflows and reaches everyone they know and meet. It was very clear how incredible these two are and how awesome their families are. Twin sister Kelly and I jammed all my gear into her Honda and we drove from Washington D.C. to Prince Edward Island. We spent an incredible 3 days at a beautiful home on the red sand beaches. Let me tell you, Island life is freeeeking shweet. Thank you to both the Cutcliffe and Harper families! You made us feel like family. : )