I was fortunate enough to shoot a wedding last weekend in Lake Tahoe, and oh my was it gorgeous up there. The first day I arrived, I spent two hours driving around the lake taking photos of the scenery, dreaming of the spots I could put this bride and groom for their portraits, and generally just so thrilled to have such an amazing location. And then the wedding day came, and it rained all day long. Seriously, all day. I think there was a ten minute break! But, it all went wonderfully. The wedding party and guests all pitched in 100% to help relocate the ceremony and the reception to the lodge where they were all staying, and it was a wonderful, beautiful day and ceremony. And you better believe I used that 1o minutes that it stopped raining to get the adorable couple outside for a few photos (before it then started coming down even harder).
Also, you'll see a critter in the photos below. That bear? That was trying to break into the lodge the morning of the wedding! This day was nothing but adventure, I tell you!
Anyway, through all of this, Amy and Kevin just laughed and rolled with the punches. It really showed me that they make such a wonderful team, and clearly they are ready for whatever life throws their way. Congrats you two!